Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 1: Introduction#


  • Procedure mapping each input to a single output (deterministic)

  • Algorithm solves a problem if it returns a correct output for every problem input

  • Examples: An algorithm tp solve birthday matching

    • maintain a record of names and birthdays

    • interview each student in some order

      • if birthday exists in record, return found pairs

      • else add name and birthday to record

    • return none if last student inteviewed without success


  • Induction: recursion for arbitrarily large inputs

  • Example: proof of correctness of birthday matching lagorithm

    • induct on \(k\): the number of student in the record

    • Hypothesis; if first \(k\) contain match, return match before interviewing student \(k+1\)

    • Base case: \(k=0\), first \(k\) contains no match

    • Assume for induction hypothesis holds for \(k=k'\), and consider \(k=k'+1\).

    • If first \(k'\) contains a match, already returned a match by induction

    • Else first \(k'\) do not have match, so if first \(k' + 1\) has match, match contains \(k'+1\)

    • Then algoithm checks directly whether birday of student \(k'+1\) exists in first \(k'\).


  • How fast does an algorithm produce a correct output?

    • Could measure time, but want performance to ne machine independent.

    • Idea!!! count number of fixed-time operations algorithm takes to return - asympototic

    • Expect to depend on the size of input: larger input suggests longer time

    • Efficient if returns in polynomial time with respect to input

    • Sometimes no efficient algorithm exists for a problem: L20

  • Asympototic Notation: ignore constant factors and lower order terms

    • upper bounds \(O\), lower bounds \(\Omega\), tight bounds \(\Theta\)

    • \(O(1), O(logn), O(n), O(nlogn), O(n^2), O(n^c), O(2^n)\)

Model of Computation#

  • specification for what operations on the machine can be performed in \(O(1)\) time

  • Model in this class is called the Word-RAM

  • Machine word: block of \(w\) bits (\(w\) is the word size of a \(w\)-bit Word-RAM)

  • Memory: addressable sequence of machine words

  • Processor supports many constant time operation on a \(O(1)\) number of words (integers):

    • integer arithmetic: (+, -, *, //, %)

    • logical operators: (&&, ||, !, ==, <, >, <=, >=)

    • given word \(a\), can read work at address \(a\), write word to address \(a\)

  • Memory address must be able to access every place in memory

    • Requirement: \(w \ge\) # bits represent the largest memory address,e.g., \(log_2n\)

    • 32-bit words -> max ~ 4 GB memory, 64-bit words -> max ~ 16 exabytes of memory

In order to precisely calculate the resources used by an algorithm, we need to model how long a computer takes to perform basic operations. Specifying such a set of operations provides a model of computation upon which we can base our analysis. In this class, we will use the w-bit Word- RAM model of computation, which models a computer as a random access array of machine words called memory, together with a processor that can perform operations on the memory. A machine word is a sequence of \(w\) bits representing an integer from the set \(\{0, . . . , 2^w − 1\}\). A Word-RAM processor can perform basic binary operations on two machine words in constant time, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, integer division, modulo, bitwise operations, and binary comparisons. In addition, given a word \(a\), the processor can read or write the word in memory located at address \(a\) in constant time. If a machine word contains only \(w\) bits, the processor will only be able to read and write from at most \(2^w\) addresses in memory. So when solving a problem on an input stored in \(n\) machine words, we will always assume our Word-RAM has a word size of at least \(w > log_2 n\) bits, or else the machine would not be able to access all of the input in memory. To put this limitation in perspective, a Word-RAM model of a byte-addressable 64-bit machine allows inputs up to 1010 GB in size.