Interior-point Method#
Inequality Constrained Minimization Problems#
The interior-point
methods are usually for solving convex optimization problem that include inequality constraints:
where \(f_0, f_i\) are convex and twice continuously differentiable.
If the problem is strictly feasible, based on Slater’s constraint qualification, there exist dual optimal \(\lambda^*, \mu^*\), which together with \(x^*\) statisfy the KKT conditions:
Solving the orginal optimizaiton problem is equvelant to solving its KKT conditions.
method applies Newton's method
to solve the modified version of the KKT conditions or a sequence of equality constrained problems transformed from the origin inequality constrained problem.
Two types of methods can be used: Primal-dual interior-point
or Barrier method
Barrier Fucntion#
A straight-forward way to solve the orignal problem is to approxmimately formulate the inequality constrained problem as an equality constrained problem to which Newton's method
can be applied directly.
The original problem can be rewritten as:
where \(I_{-}\) is the indicator method for the nonpositive reals,
Logarithmic Barrier Function#
The basic idea of the barrier method is to approximate the indicator function by the logorithmic function:
where \(t>0\) is a parameter that sets the accuracy of the approximation. The \(\hat I_{-}\) is convex and nondecreasing, and differentiable unlike \(I_{-}\). Therefore the following approximation holds:
The function
is called the logarithmic barrier
, whose gradient and Hessian are given by:
Central Path#
By arranging t
we have the following equavelant problem, which has the same minimizers.
If the problem has a unique solution for each \(t>0\), then the solution is associated with the choice of t
, which can be denoted by \(x^*(t)\).
\(x^*(t)\) is called the central points
, which characterize a central path.
Modified KKT Conditions#
The moodified KKT conditions for the original problem with the barrier function approximation are as follows, which is also called centrality conditions
in this background:
The difference between the KKT condition and the modifided KKT is that the complementary condition \(-\lambda^* f_i(x^*) = 0\) is replaced by the condition \(-\lambda^* f_i(x^*) = 1/t\).
In particular, for large \(t, x^*(t)\) and the associated dual point \(\lambda^*(t), \mu^*(t)\) almost
satisfy the KKT optimality conditions.
Primal-dual Interior-point Method#
interior-point method solves the modified KKT conditions using Newton's method
by finding a pair of solutions \((x^*, \lambda^*, \nu^*)\).
Newton's method
updates at each iteration the solution by a Newton step
We define a residual function from the modified KKT conditions as:
The first element in the the residual function is the dual residual
, the middle element is centrality residual
, and the last element is primal residual
The Newton's method
can be used to find \((x^*, \lambda^*, \nu^*)\) so that the residual function is 0.
The Newton step
for the residual function can be: