Lecture 6: Binary Trees - I#


Binary Tree#

  • pointer-based data structure (like linked list) can achieve worst-case performance

  • binary tree is pointer-based data structure with three pointers per node

  • node <X>: item, parent pointer, left pointer, right pointer






































  • the root has no parent

  • a leaf of a tree has no children

  • depth (<X>) of a node (<X>) in the tree rooted at \(<R>\) to be the length of path from (<X>) to \(<R>\). Depth starts from the root.

  • height (\(h\)) <X> of a node to be the max depth of any node in the subtree rooted at <X>. Height starts from the leaf.

  • the height of leaf is 0 and the depth of a root is 0.

How to represent tree in set and sequence?

  • traverse order: F-D-B-E-A-C

    • every node in the node <X>’s left subtree is before <X>

    • every node in the node <X>’s right subtree is after <X>

    • algorithm

      • iterate <X> as subtree:

        • iterate <X>.left

        • output <X>

        • iterate <X>.right

  • traversal order has no meaning relative to the stored item.

  • later assign semantic meaning to traversal order to implement Set/Sequence interface

Static Operation#

  • cannot cheaply maintain traversal order of tree. The following operations assumes the computer cannot get the traversal order cheapily.

  • subtree_first(<X>): find first node in the traversal order of node <X>’ subtree

    • algorithm -> \(O(h)\)

      • recursively return the first node in the left subtree

    • example

      • subtree_first(<A>) -> <F>

  • subtree_last(<X>): symmetric to subtree_first()

  • successor(<X>): next after node <X> in the tree’s traversal order

    • algorithm -> \(O(h)\)

      • if <X>.right, return subtree_first(<X>)

      • else: -> return lowest ancestor of <X> for which <X> is in the left subtree

        • walk up the tree (<X> = <X>.parent)

        • until go up a left branch (<X> = <X>.parent.left)

        • return <X>

    • example

      • successor(<B>) -> <E>

      • successor(<E>) -> <A>

      • successor(<A>) -> None

  • predecessor(<X>): first before node <X> in the tree’s traversal order

    • symmetric to successor.

Dynamic Operation#

  • the operations are on traversal order

  • subtree_insert_after(node.new) -> \(O(h)\)

    • algorithm

      • if <X> has no right child, make <Y> the right child of <X>

      • otherwise, make the <Y> as the left child of <X>’s successor (which cannot have a left child)

    • examples

      • insert <G> after <D> in traveral order

      • insert <H> after <A> in traversal order

                        __<B>__               __<C>__ 
                  __<D>__       <E>       
                <F>     <G>
                        __<B>__               __<C>__ 
                      __<D>__   <E>       <H>
  • subtree_insert_before(nod.new)

    • algorithm

      • if <X> has no left child, make make <Y> the left child of <X>

      • otherwise, make the <Y> as the right child of <X>’s predecessor (which cannot have a right child)

    • examples

      • insert <G> before <E> in traversal order

      • insert <H> before <B> in traversal order

                        __<B>__               __<C>__ 
                    __<D>__   __<E>__       
                  <F>       <G>
                        __<B>__               __<C>__ 
                    __<D>__     <E>       
                  <F>     <H>  
  • subtree_delete(<X>) -> \(O(h)\)

    • algorithm

      • if <X> is a leaf, detach from parent and return

      • otherwise, <X> has a child

        • if <X> has a left child, swap items with the predecessor of <X> and recurse

        • otherwise <X> has a right child, swap items with the successor of <X> and recurse

    • examples:

      • delete(F)

      • delete(A)

Application: Set -> Binary Search Tree#

  • traversal oder is sorted order increasing by keys

    • equivelant to Binary Search Tree (BST): for every node, every key in the left subtree \(\le\) node’s key \(\le\) every key in the right subtree

    • BST is a particular type of binary tree that provide an efficient way of storing data that allows particular items to be found as quickly as possible.

      • Then we consider further elaborations of these trees in Lecture 7, namely AVL trees, which operate more efficiently at the expense of requiring more sophisticated algorithms.

  • BST

    • Searching with arrays or lists. we have seen the advantage of a sorted array when we want to find an item (e.g., \(O(logn)\) time). However, that involves an overhead of sorting the array in the first place, or maintaining a sorted array if items are inserted or deleted over time.

    • The idea here is that, with the help of binary trees, we can speed up the storing and search process without needing to maintain a sorted array.

      • Search keys: If the items to be searched are labelled by comparable keys, one can order them and store them in such a way that they are sorted already. Being ‘sorted’ may mean different things for different keys, and which key to choose is an important design decision.

        • Such as integer numbers (e.g., student ID numbers)

        • dictionary is a classic example, which is a sequence of entries and each entry is a pair of a key and its value.

    • subtree_insert(A,B): insert node B to binary search tree A (from root)

      • if B.item.key < A.item.key:

        • if A.left: subtree_insert(A.left, B)

        • else: A.left.subtree_insert_before)(B)

      • elif B.item.key > a.item.key:

        • if A.right: subtree_insert(A.right, B)

        • else: A.right.subtree_insert_after(B)

      • else:

        • A.item = B.item

    • build(S) -> build a binary search tree from a given set

      • recursively use subtree_insert with each element in S

    • delete(k) -> delete node with key k

      • firstly, X = subtree_find(k)

      • then, subtree_delete(X)

    • subtree_find(k) -> binary search

      • if \(k\) is smaller than key at <X>, recurse in the left subtree (or return None)

      • if \(k\) is greater than key at <X>, recurse in the right subtree (or return None)

      • otherwise return the item stored at <X>

    • The operations are in \(O(h)\).

      • Perfectly balanced tree has the minimal height, and thus can lead to \(O(logn)\) time.

      • The idea is to main the BST height-balanced after dynamic operations. - See Lecture 7- AVL Trees.

Application: Sequence -> Any Application???#

  • traversal oder = sequence order. See build

  • how to find ith node in the traversal order of a subtree?

    • subtree_at(node, i)

      • size(node) = # of nodes in the subtree(node)

      • assume we could calculate the size of subtree in \(O(1)\), then the algoithm is \(O(h)\)

      • size of the left subtree \(n_L\)

      • if \(i<n_L\), recurse on the left subtree, subtree_at(node.left, i)

      • if \(i>n_L\) recurse on the right subtree with \(i = i - n_L -1\), subtree_at(node.right, \(i-n_L-1\))

      • otherwise \(i = n_L\)

  • How to maitain the size of subtree? subtree augumentation.

    • subtree_augumentation

      • each node can store O(1) extra fields/properties

      • subtree property can be computed from the properties of node’s children or access the node itself.

      • size can be such a property: node.size

      • when adding new leaf, add +1 to a.size for all ancestors a in \(O(h)\)

      • when deleting leaf, add -1 to a.size for all ancestors a in \(O(h)\)

    • subtree properties

      • sum, product, min, max, …

      • But NOT

        • node index -> hard to maintain because it depends on all other nodes. Tree usually not maintain globe property

        • depth h is also hard to maintain

  • Sequence Interfaces

    • build(S) -> build a binary tree from a given sequence.

      • there are so many methods. The easiest and naive one is to insert node by sequence using subtree_insert_after(), which will lead to a tree with a height of \(n\)

      • want a \(O(n)\) time algorithm that leads to \(logn\) height

        • build tree by storing the middle item in the root node, and then recursively build the remaining left and right subtree.

    • subtree_at(i) -> find the ith node in the traversal order of a subtree

      • see the above explanation

    • delete(i) -> delete the ith node in the traversal order of a subtree

      • X = subtree_at(i)

      • subtree_delete(X)

    • insert(i, x) -> insert the ith node with given value of x in the traversal order of a subtree

      • X = subtree_at(i): find the orginal ith node

      • subtree_insert_before(X, x)

      • udpate the size for all the nodes after i by 1

Python Implementation#

Abstract Data Type: Tree#

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure"""

    #---------------- nested Position class
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element"""

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location"""
            raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not present the same location"""
            return not (self == other)
    # ------------ abstract methods that concrete subclass must support -------
    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root"""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
    def parent(self, position):
        """Return Position representing position's parent """
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
    def num_children(self, position):
        """Return the number of childern that a position has"""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
    def children(self, position):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing position's childern"""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')

    def __len__(self):
        """Return total number of elements in the tree"""
        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')

    def is_root(self, position):
        """Return True if position is the tree's root"""
        return position == self.root()
    def is_leaf(self, position):
        """Return True if position is a leaf"""
        return self.num_children(position) == 0
    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if tree is empty"""
        return len(self) == 0
    def depth(self, position):
        """Return the depth of a position from its root"""
        if self.is_root(position):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(position))
    def height(self, position):
        """Return the height of a position from the lowest leaf"""
        if position is None:
            position == self.root()
        return self.__height1(position)
    def __height1(self, position):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at position in a linear time in size of the subtree"""
        if self.is_leaf(position):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self.__height1(c) for c in self.children(position))

    # we might also use tree augumentation to faciliate the calculation of height

Binary Tree#

  • ordered tree with each node having at most two children

  • each child node is labeled as being either left or right child

  • a left child precedes a right child in the order of children of a node

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure"""

    # ------- additional abstract method --------------------
    def left(self, position):
        """Return a Position representing position's left child"""

        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
    def right(self, position):
        """Return a Position representing position's right child"""

        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
    # ------ concrete method for binary trees ---------
    def sibling(self, position):
        """Return a position representing position's sibling"""
        parent = self.parent(position)
        if parent is None:
            return None
            if position == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)
                return self.left(parent)
    def children(self, position):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing position's children. 
            Although we have still not speci- fied how the children of a position will be stored, 
            we derive a generator for the ordered children based upon the implied behavior of abstract methods left and right.
        if self.left(position) is not None:
            yield self.left(position)
        if self.right(position) is not None:
            yield self.right(position)        

Linked Structure for Binary Tree#

The Tree and BinaryTree classes that we have defined thus far in this chapter are both formally abstract base classes. Although they provide a great deal of support, neither of them can be directly instantiated. We have not yet defined key implementation details for how a tree will be represented internally, and how we can effectively navigate between parents and children. Specifically, a concrete implementation of a tree must provide methods root, parent, num children, children, len, and in the case of BinaryTree, the additional accessors left and right. There are several choices for the internal representation of trees: linked structure and array-based structure.

We begin with the case of a binary tree, since its shape is more narrowly defined.

Linked Structure

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of a binary tree structure"""
    class _Node: # Lighweight, nonpublic class for storing a node
        __slots__ = '_element', '_parent', '_left', '_right'
        def __init__(self, element, parent = None, left = None, right = None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left 
            self._right = right
    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element"""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            self._container = container
            self._node = node 
        def element(self):
            """Return the elmenet stored at position"""
            return self._node._element
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node
    def _validate(self, position):
        """Return associated node if position is valid"""
        if not isinstance(position, self.Position):
            raise TypeError('position must be proper Position type')
        if position._container is not self:
            raise ValueError('position does not belong to this container')
        if position._node._parent is position._node: # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("position is no longer valid" ) 
        return position._node
    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for a given node"""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ----------------- binary constructor -----------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create empty binary tree"""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0
    # ---------------- public accessors -----------------
    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total numner of elements in the tree"""
        return self._size
    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)
    def parent(self, position):
        """Return the Position of position's parent"""
        node = self._validate(position)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)
    def left(self, position):
        """Return position's left child """
        node = self._validate(position)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, position):
        """Return position's right child """
        node = self._validate(position)
        return self._make_position(node._right)
    def num_children(self, position):
        """Return the number of children of position"""
        node = self._validate(position)

        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count 

    def find_first(self, position):
        """Return position that appears the first in the given subtree's inorder traveral order
            if node has left child, recursively return the first node in the left subtree
            else node is the first node
        node = self._validate(position)
        if node._left:
            position = self.left(position)
            return position

    def find_last(self, position):
        """Return position that appears the last in the given subtree's inorder traveral order
            if node has right child, recursively return the last node in the right subtree
            else node is the first node
        node = self._validate(position)
        if node._right:
            position = self.right(position)
            return position

    def find_ancestor_left(self, position):
        """Return the first ancestor position that the node is in its left subtree"""
        node = self._validate(position)

        if node == node._parent._left:
            return self.parent(position)
            position = self.parent(position)

    def find_ancestor_right(self, position):
        """Return the first ancestor position that the node is in its right subtree"""
        node = self._validate(position)

        if node == node._parent._right:
            return self.parent(position)
            position = self.parent(position)

    def find_successor(self, position):
        """Return successor of node in the traversal order

            if the node has right child, return the first of right subtree
            else return the lowest ancestor of the node for which the node is in its left subtree
        node =self._validate(position)

        if node._right:
            return self.find_first(self.right(position))
            return self.find_ancestor_left(position)
    def find_predecessor(self, position):
        """Return predecessor of node in the traversal order

            if the node has left child, return the last of left subtree
            else return the lowest ancestor of the node for which the node is in its right subtree
        node =self._validate(position)

        if node._left:
            return self.find_first(self.left(position))
            return self.find_ancestor_right(position)

    def _add_root(self, element):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
            Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None: raise ValueError('Root exists')
        self._size = 1
        self._root = self._Node(element)
        return self._make_position(self._root)
    def _add_left(self, position, element):
        """Create a new left child for Position p, storing element e.
            Return the Position of new node.
            Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(position)
        if node._left is not None: raise ValueError('Left child exists')
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(element, parent = node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, position, element):
        """Similar to left"""

    def _replace(self, position, element):
        """Replace the element at position p with e and return old element"""
        node = self._validate(position)
        old = node._element
        node._element = element

        return old

    # ---------------- some dynamic operations
    def _delete(self, position):
        """Delete the node at position while maintaining the traversal order
        if node is a leaf, detach it from parent and return
        if node has a child
            if node has a left child, swap items with the predecessor of node and recurse
            otherwise node has a right child, swap items with the successor of node and recurse
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children
        node = self._validate(position)
        parent = node._parent
        if self.is_leaf(node): 
            # remove links between node and parent
            if node == parent._left:
                parent._left = None
            if node == parent._right:
                parent._right = None
        elif node._left:
            # swap items with the predecessor of node
            predecessor = self.find_predecessor(position)
            position._element, predecessor._element = predecessor._element, position._element
            # swap items with the predecessor of node
            ancessor = self.find_ancessor(position)
            position._element, ancessor._element = ancessor._element, position._element

        node._parent = node # convention for deprecated node
        self._size -= 1
        return node._element